For Tchibo Praha, we assemble, service, modify, and move rack systems, store spare parts, and deliver refrigerators and marketing products. And everything we service you can check online.
Tchibo is a company with no need for lengthy introduction. This originally German retail chain formerly specialised in selling coffee specialties. Today, you can dress yourself from head to toe with Tchibo or buy some gadget for your kitchen. Selected Tchibo products are also available in certain retail chains at so-called shop-in-shop sites, which are sales spaces exclusively reserved for Tchibo. And this is our strong point.
We take care of Tchibo racks
We have been co-operating with Tchibo Praha for several years. It all started with a servicing and spare parts project in early 2014. Today, several teams are involved. And that’s not all. We successfully developed an application through which all communication is done online – from the customer’s entering a request through checking the service intervention and to invoicing.

When something goes wrong… enter it into the Route Plan
We take care of points of sale in almost 150 retail units all across the Czech Republic. We attend to installations and small repairs of rack systems but can also repair faulty lighting. If need be, we can move the point of sale to a different location overnight. To give you an idea, we perform approximately 430 interventions per year.
The Route Plan application through which the client communicates is a big helper. It was developed to save time on both sides. Using it, we can better co-ordinate the service teams in the field and almost immediately provide information about a service intervention, including photo documentation.
I can see everything in the Route Plan ordering platform – the order status from start to finish, including photos of the progress. That makes my work easier and saves a lot of time.
Václav Kovář
Sales Supervisor/Trainer Non-food
We store spare parts in 130 pallet spaces
Some of these we make ourselves. These are especially useful for our service people, who always have a package of parts at hand so they can head out immediately wherever service is needed.
We don’t know how to roast coffee, but we can handle almost everything else
Do you think this is a bold statement? Well, if you’ve tasted the Mazagrande coffee drink then you’ve had to open one of our refrigerators that we’ve been supplying to Tchibo points of sale in retail chains since 2017. Ms Naďa Petržíková, head of procurement, came to us with a request for atypical rack refrigerators. We won the project, including installation.
We bought the refrigerators, furnished the new graphic design, stored, and installed them in co-operation with technicians who went to the stores for normal service interventions. We thereby successfully connected the activities of several teams, resulting in time and cost savings related to transportation and installation. This is exactly the point of the One Stop Shop.
We understand marketing as well as technology
We grew up on marketing products. We can do POS materials as well as promotional items. In addition, we can provide servicing, installation, distribution, and repairs directly on site.
We don’t just carry out technical projects. Every year, we deliver several million marketing products. Some of them go to Tchibo. You can request cups (for coffee and other things), polo shirts and even aprons from us.
Are you working on a similar project? Stop in at our office for coffee and to discuss how we can save you time and money.